
Donations from Katja

Donations from Katja

Katja sent a nice surprise package with a dozen watches, she inherited from her grandfather.

The highlight of this collections is a Ruhla Stopp-Meister “chronograph”, powered by an UMF 24-35 in the earliest version “B”. But also among the other watches, there are many movements, which were not yet part of the archive and even an far-east/german co-production of an digital-analog quartz movement with far-east digital part and an integrated german PUW 900 quarz movement.

Katja: National Ebauch Cal. ?

National Ebauch Cal. ?

Katja: UMF 24-35 (version A)

UMF 24-35 (version A)

Katja: Junghans J80/1

Junghans J80/1

Katja: Miyota 6T15 (gilt)

Miyota 6T15 (gilt)

As soon, as further movements are officially put into the archive, they will be displayed here, too.

Thank you very much for the great support of the movement archive!