
Donations from Rolf-Jürgen

Donations from Rolf-Jürgen

Rolf-Jürgen (aka “Hiltibrant” in the german UhrForum), donated some very interesting additions to the archive:

Rolf-Jürgen: Förster 2080

Förster 2080

Rolf-Jürgen: PUW 500

PUW 500

In spring 2017, he donated another three movements to the movement archive. From two of them, there were no other movements yet in the archive: Enz 153 SC, Reconvilier 12 and a Bauer 10 1/2 (new) new, and also two Ronda movements, a caliber 1017 and a caliber 1215.

Donations of Rolf-Jürgen

Donations of Rolf-Jürgen

Further donations from Rolf-Jürgen

Further donations from Rolf-Jürgen

Rolf-Jürgen: ENZ 153 SC

ENZ 153 SC

Rolf-Jürgen: Reconvilier 12

Reconvilier 12

Rolf-Jürgen: Ronda 1215

Ronda 1215

Rolf-Jürgen: Bauer 10 1/2 (new)

Bauer 10 1/2 (new)

Rolf-Jürgen: Ronda 1215

Ronda 1215

The next donation was then a Felsa 465N, on which the balance staff was broken, but whose mainspring helped, that there’s now a working specimen of this movement in the archive.

Rolf-Jürgen: Felsa 465N

Felsa 465N

Only a few days later, another donation was sent to me - a Förster 51 with a few missing parts. I’ll see, if I can find them in the few boxes of (mostly) unsorted spare parts:

Rolf-Jürgen: Förster 51

Förster 51

Early 2024, a new package arrived with lots of unfinished projects, which shall be finished or documented by the movement archive, starting in 2026:

project package 2024

project package 2024

Thank you very much, Rolf-Jürgen, for your great support of the movement archive!